• F. Kelkensberg, Capturing atomic and electronic motion with hight harmonic generation light pulses, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2011-06-23

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  • A. Nasioudis, Energy and charge control in Mass Spectrometry of synthetic polymers, Utrecht University, 2011-06-23

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  • L. MacAleese, M.C. Duursma, L.A. Klerk, G. Fisher and R.M.A. Heeren, Protein identification with Liquid Chromatography and Matrix Enhanced Secondaty Ion Mass Spectrometry (LC-ME-SIMS), J. Proteomics 74, (7), 993-1001 (2011)

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  • M. Soares e Silva, M. Depken, B. Stuhrmann, M. Korsten, F.C. MacKintosh and G.H. Koenderink, Active multistage coarsening of actin networks driven by myosin motors, PNAS 108, (23), 9408-9413 (2011)

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  • A. de Hoogh, B. Hommersom and A.F. Koenderink, Wavelength-selective addressing of visible and near-infrared plasmon resonances for SU8 nanolithography, Opt. Express 19, (12), 11405-11414 (2011)

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  • R. Ulbricht, E. Hendry, J. Shan, T.F. Heinz and M. Bonn, Carrier dynamics in semiconductors studied with time-resolved Terahertz spectroscopy, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, (2), 543-586 (2011)

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