Online Meetings in Times of Global Crisis: Toward Sustainable Conferencing

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Reference J.V. Milić, B. Ehrler, C. Molina, M. Saliba and J. Bisquert, Online Meetings in Times of Global Crisis: Toward Sustainable Conferencing, ACS Energy Lett. 5, (6), 2024-2026 (2020)
Group Hybrid Solar Cells

International conferences are an essential component of the timely exchange of ideas and results in the scientific community, where scientists present their results, gain new insights, and meet colleagues and collaborators. In early 2020, a global pandemic caused by a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the corresponding disease (covid-19) resulted in a number of conferences being canceled or postponed.1 To foster scientific exchange despite the restrictions, a range of initiatives were launched across the globe to move international conferences online