Nanoscale lithographic positioning of fluorescing quantum dot nanocrystals on planar samples

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Reference F.T. Rabouw, M. Frimmer, A. Mohtashami and A.F. Koenderink, Nanoscale lithographic positioning of fluorescing quantum dot nanocrystals on planar samples, Opt. Mater. 35, (7), 1342-1347 (2013)
Group Resonant Nanophotonics

An important promise of nanophotonic structures ranging from photonic crystals and metamaterials to plasmonics is to control the emission rate and directionality of single emitters. A prerequisite is that emitters can be precisely positioned with respect to the photonic structure. In this work we demonstrate a method that achieves 70 nm resolution, and which can be applied irrespective of the emitter and substrate chemistry.