Measuring the spatial extent of individual localized photonic states

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Reference M. Spasenović, D.M. Beggs, P. Lalanne, T.F. Krauss and L.K. Kuipers, Measuring the spatial extent of individual localized photonic states, Phys. Rev. B 86, (Article number: 155153), 1-5 (2012)

We measure the spatial extent of individual photonic states that are localized by residual disorder in a slow-light photonic crystal waveguide. The size of the states is measured by locally perturbing them individually through an electromagnetic interaction with a near-field probe. We identify localized states that are not observed in transmission and show that they are shorter than the waveguide length. We also obtain near-field measurements of the participation ratio, from which the size of the states is also derived, in quantitative agreement with the size measured with the perturbation method.