Manipulating colloidal crystallization for photonic applications: From self-organization to do-it-yourself organization

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Reference A. van Blaaderen, K.P. Velikov, J.P. Hoogenboom, D.L.J. Vossen, A. Yethiraj, R.P.A. Dullens, T. van Dillen and A. Polman: Manipulating colloidal crystallization for photonic applications: From self-organization to do-it-yourself organization In: Photonic Crystals and Light Localization in the 21st Century: Proc. of the NATO Advances Study on PCLL, Crete, Greece June 18-30, 2000 /ed. C.M. Soukoulis, Kluwer, 2001. - pp. 239-251
Group Photonic Materials