Indications of high-intensity adiabatic stabilization in neon

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Reference M.P. de Boer, J.H. Hoogenraad, R.B. Vrijen, L.D. Noordam and H.G. Muller, Indications of high-intensity adiabatic stabilization in neon, Phys.Rev.Lett. 71, 3263-3266 (1993)

We study the stabilization behavior of the circular 5g state in neon in a two-pulse experiment. A first pulse prepares the state. Comparison of the single-photon ionization yield, due to a second laser pulse for both short (0.1 ps) intense and long (1 ps) less intense pulses, shows an intensity-dependent suppression of ionization. The smaller yield due to the short pulses, at intensities of several times 1013 W/cm2, is in accordance with recent predictions of stabilization.