Incorporation and stability of erbium in sapphire by ion implantation

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Reference E. Alves, M.F. da Silva, G.N. van den Hoven, A. Polman, A.A. Melo and J.C. Soares, Incorporation and stability of erbium in sapphire by ion implantation, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 106, 429-432 (1995)
Group Photonic Materials

Precise results on the lattice site location and stability of Er implanted sapphire using the RBS/channeling technique are reported. The Er ions were implanted into <0001> and (01I0) cut samples of a-Al2O3 single crystals, at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures, with 200 keV energy at fluences between 8 x 1013 and 4 x 1015 Er+/cm2. The implantation of 8 X 1013 Er+/cm2 (0.01 at%) at room temperature leads to the incorporation of 70% of the Er ions near the free octahedral site (0.8 Å displaced) along the c-axis. From the remaining fraction of Er ions, at least 20% can be in a tetrahedral site. At liquid nitrogen temperature the fluence of 6 x 1014 Er+/cm2 amorphizes sapphire, while at room temperature a fluence an order of magnitude higher produces only a damaged buried layer. The annealing at temperatures higher than 1200°C leads to the recrystallization of the amorphous layer, but the Er ions segregate to the surface or precipitate. For the samples implanted at room temperature, the annealing leads to a higher incorporation of Er in the sapphire lattice and only a small fraction segregates to the surface at 1500°C.