How grooves reflect and confine surface plasmon polaritons

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Reference Martin Kuttge, F.J. García de Abajo and A. Polman, How grooves reflect and confine surface plasmon polaritons, Opt. Express 17, (12), 10385-10392 (2009)
Group Photonic Materials

The reflection of surface plasmon polaritons by deep linear grooves structured into gold surfaces is investigated with numerical finitedifference-in-time-domain as well as boundary-element-method calculations. Groove widths of 25 and 100 nm are studied, with depths as large as 500 nm. The reflection depends strongly on wavelength, groove depth, and width. By systematically varying these parameters and studying the field profiles in the grooves as well as mode dispersion, we relate the resonances of the reflectivity to resonant coupling of propagating planar plasmon modes to cavity modes inside the grooves. By careful design of the groove width and depth the reflectivity can be tuned to values up to at least 30% for either a narrow or wide band of wavelengths.