High radio-frequency field strength nutation NMR of quadrupolar nuclei

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2016.09.018
Reference W.M.J. Franssen, Y.L.A. Rezus and A.P.M. Kentgens, High radio-frequency field strength nutation NMR of quadrupolar nuclei, J. Magn. Reson. 273, 33-39 (2016)

Owing to the introduction of microcoils, high RF field strength nutation NMR is a viable candidate for the study of quadrupolar nuclei with strong quadrupolar couplings, not accessible using contemporary NMR techniques. We show powder 23Na nutation spectra on sodium nitrite for RF field strengths of up to 1170 kHz, that conform to theoretical predictions. For lanthanum fluoride powder, 139La nutation spectra taken at elevated RF field amplitudes show clear discrepancies when compared to the theory. These errors are shown to be mainly caused by pulse transients at the end of the pulse, which proved to be detrimental to the shape of the nutation spectra. Using a nutation pulse which ends in a sudden frequency jump, we show that these errors can be reduced, and nutation spectra that conform to theory can be readily acquired. This enables nutation NMR for the study of quadrupolar nuclei with a strong quadrupolar coupling, bridging the gap between NMR, which can only analyse nuclei with a weak to medium quadrupolar coupling, and NQR, were extensive searching for the right quadrupolar frequency is the limiting factor.