Generic nano-imprint process for fabrication of nanowire arrays

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Reference A. Pierret, M. Hocevar, S.L. Diedenhofen, R. Algra, E. Vlieg, E.C. Timmering, M.A. Verschuuren, G.W.G. Immink, M.A. Verheijen and E.P.A.M. Bakkers, Generic nano-imprint process for fabrication of nanowire arrays, Nanotechnology 21, (Article number: 65305), 1-7 (2010)

A generic process has been developed to grow nearly defect-free arrays of (heterostructured) InP and GaP nanowires. Soft nano-imprint lithography has been used to pattern gold particle arrays on full 2 inch substrates. After lift-off organic residues remain on the surface, which induce the growth of additional undesired nanowires. We show that cleaning of the samples before growth with piranha solution in combination with a thermal anneal at 550 ◦C for InP and 700 ◦C for GaP results in uniform nanowire arrays with 1% variation in nanowire length, and without undesired extra nanowires. Our chemical cleaning procedure is applicable to other lithographic techniques such as e-beam lithography, and therefore represents a generic process.