Generation of isolated attosecond pulses by two-color laser fields

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Reference Ch. Siedschlag, H.G. Muller and M.J.J. Vrakking, Generation of isolated attosecond pulses by two-color laser fields, Laser Phys. 15, (6), 916-925 (2005)

We consider high-harmonic generation in hydrogen atoms exposed to a superposition of two lin-
early polarized laser fields with different colors. To this end, the full three-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom is solved numerically to obtain the single-atom response. Phase-matching effects are subsequently taken into account in the limit of small atomic density. Our findings clearly indicate the possibility of creating isolated attosecond pulses from many-cycle ( ΔτFWHM = 19 fs) driver pulses by an appropriate tuning of the two laser frequencies, which results in control of the ionization and the recollision dynamics of the electronic wavepacket.