Erbium-implanted silica microsphere laser

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Reference J. Kalkman, A. Polman, T.J. Kippenberg, K.J. Vahala and M.L. Brongersma, Erbium-implanted silica microsphere laser, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 242, 182-185 (2006)
Group Photonic Materials

Spherical silica optical microresonators were doped with erbium ions by ion implantation at energies of 925 keV and 2.05 MeV using a rotating stage. After thermal annealing at 800 °C, light was coupled into the microsphere using a tapered optical fiber. An optical quality factor as high as 1.9×107 was observed at ? = 1450 nm, corresponding to a modal loss of only 0.01 dB/cm. When pumped at 1450 nm, multi-mode lasing around 1570 nm is observed at a threshold between 150 and 250 µW depending on the overlap between mode and Er distribution. This work demonstrates the compatibility of ion implantation and microresonator technology.