Enhancing light absorption in graphene with plasmonic lattices

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/119/17006
Reference G. Pirruccio, M. Ramezani and J. Gómez Rivas, Enhancing light absorption in graphene with plasmonic lattices, Europhys. Lett. 119, (1, Article number: 17006) (2017)

We present a novel strategy based on metallic arrays of nanoparticles for enhancing the optical absorption in a monolayer of graphene. The collective resonances sustained by the metallic array and arising from the radiative coupling of localized surface plasmon resonances favour the interaction between the graphene layer and the light distributed in the structure. We measure the dispersion diagram of the allowed hybrid plasmonic-photonic modes and we calculate that one of these modes leads to an enhancement of the optical absorption of graphene by a factor 7. We propose to exploit this result for the rational design of graphene-based photodetectors.

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