Enhanced light extraction from emitters close to clusters of resonant plasmonic nanoantennas

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mseb.2007.10.021
Reference O.L. Muskens and J. Gómez Rivas, Enhanced light extraction from emitters close to clusters of resonant plasmonic nanoantennas, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 149, 216-219 (2008)

We perform time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy on clusters of plasmonic nanoantennas covered with a dye-polymer mixture. Dimer antenna structures were fabricated consisting of two interacting gold nanorods with varying lengths and interparticle separation, By combining four individual antennas into a cluster within a diffraction limited spot size, we can couple out half of the dye molecule fluorescence via antenna plasmons. Two-dimensional confocal fluorescence lifetime scans visualize the spontaneous emission enhancement of the molecular fluorescence around the antenna clusters.