Dynamic heterogeneity in hydrogen-bonded polymers

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physreve.74.031804
Reference A. Muresan, J.L.A. Dubbeldam, H. Kautz, M. Monkenbusch, R.P. Sijbesma, P. van der Schoot and W.H. de Jeu, Dynamic heterogeneity in hydrogen-bonded polymers, Phys. Rev. E 74, (Article number: 31804), 1-7 (2006)

We report on neutron spin echo experiments on hydrogen-bonded polymers and compare the experimentally found dynamical structure factor with theoretical predictions. Surprisingly, we find that in the melt phase the expected scaling of the Rouse dynamics is not satisfied. We propose an explanation based upon the large spatial volume occupied by the connecting groups. When the effects of these bulky groups on the local friction are taken into account, the usual scaling behavior is restored.