Direct observation of electron-to-hole energy transfer in CdSe quantum dots

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Reference E. Hendry, M. Koeberg, F. Wang, H. Zhang, C. de Mello Donega, Daniël A. Vanmaekelbergh and M. Bonn, Direct observation of electron-to-hole energy transfer in CdSe quantum dots, Phys.Rev.Lett. 96, (Article number: 57408), 1-4 (2006)

We independently determine the subpicosecond cooling rates for holes and electrons in CdSe quantum dots. Time-resolved luminescence and terahertz spectroscopy reveal that the rate of hole cooling, following photoexcitation of the quantum dots, depends critically on the electron excess energy. This constitutes the first direct, quantitative measurement of electron-to-hole energy transfer, the hypothesis behind the Auger cooling mechanism proposed in quantum dots, which is found to occur on a 1 ± 0.15 ps time scale.