Direct experimental evidence for trap-state mediated excitation of Er3+ in silicon

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Reference J.H. Shin, G.N. van den Hoven and A. Polman, Direct experimental evidence for trap-state mediated excitation of Er3+ in silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 377-379 (1995)
Group Photonic Materials

The time evolution of the 1.54 µm Er3+ photoluminescence intensity of Er-doped silicon following a 30 µs excitation pulse in investigated. It is found that a 9 K, the 1.54 µm luminescence from Er3+ continues to increase up to 50 µs after the pulse is terminated, when excess photocarriers no longer exist. The provides the first direct experimental evidence that a state in the forbidden gap of silicon acts as the gateway to the excitation of Er3+. Further analysis indicates recombination of bound excitons to be the most likely excitation mechanism.