Demonstration of an erbium-doped microdisk laser on a silicon chip

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Reference T.J. Kippenberg, J. Kalkman, A. Polman and K.J. Vahala, Demonstration of an erbium-doped microdisk laser on a silicon chip, Phys. Rev. A 74, (Article number: 51802), 1-4 (2006)
Group Photonic Materials

An erbium-doped microlaser is demonstrated utilizing SiO<sub2 microdisk resonators on a silicon chip. Passive microdisk resonators exhibit whispering-gallery-type modes (WGM’s) with intrinsic optical quality factors of up to 6×107 and were doped with trivalent erbium ions (peak concentration ~3.8×1020 cm-3) using MeV ion implantation. Coupling to the fundamental WGM of the microdisk resonator was achieved by using a tapered optical fiber. Upon pumping of the 4/15/2–>4/13/2 erbium transition at 1450 nm, a gradual transition from spontaneous to stimulated emission was observed in the 1550-nm band. Analysis of the pump-output power relation yielded a pump threshold of 43 µW and allowed measuring the spontaneous emission coupling factor: β ≈1×10-3.