Critical rotation of a harmonically trapped Bose gas

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Reference P. Rosenbusch, D.S. Petrov, S. Sinha, F. Chevy, V. Bretin, Y. Castin, G.V. Shlyapnikov and J. Dalibard, Critical rotation of a harmonically trapped Bose gas, Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, (Article number: 250403), 1-4 (2002)

We study experimentally and theoretically a cold trapped Bose gas under critical rotation, i.e., with a rotation frequency close to the frequency of the radial confinement. We identify two regimes: the regime of explosion where the cloud expands to infinity in one direction, and the regime where the condensate spirals out of the trap as a rigid body. The former is realized for a dilute cloud, and the latter for a condensate with the interparticle interaction exceeding a critical value. This constitutes a novel system in which repulsive interactions help in maintaining particles together.