Controlling magnetic and electric dipole modes in hollow silicon nanocylinders

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Reference M.A. van de Haar, J. van de Groep, B.J.M. Brenny and A. Polman, Controlling magnetic and electric dipole modes in hollow silicon nanocylinders, Opt. Express 24, (3), 2047-2064 (2016)
Group Photonic Materials

We propose a dielectric nanoresonator geometry consisting of hollow dielectric nanocylinders which support geometrical resonances. We fabricate such hollow Si particles with an outer diameter of 108–251 nm on a Si substrate, and determine their resonant modes with cathodo-luminescence (CL) spectroscopy and optical dark-field (DF) scattering measurements. The scattering behavior is numerically investigated in a systematic fashion as a function of wavelength and particle geometry. We find that the additional design parameter as a result of the introduction of a center gap can be used to control the relative spectral spacing of the resonant modes, which will enable additional control over the angular radiation pattern of the scatterers. Furthermore, the gap offers direct access to the enhanced magnetic dipole modal field in the center of the particle.