Control of non-linear elasticity in F-actin networks with microtubules

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Reference Y.-C. Lin, G.H. Koenderink, F.C. MacKintosh and D.A. Weitz, Control of non-linear elasticity in F-actin networks with microtubules, Soft Matter 7, (3), 902-906 (2011)

We measure the elastic properties of composite cytoskeletal networks consisting of cross-linked actin filaments and microtubules. We show that even a small concentration of microtubules leads to dramatic and qualitative changes in the non-linear elastic properties of the actin filament networks. Specifically, we find that microtubules promote non-linear stiffening of F-actin networks because they are much stiffer than actin filaments and therefore suppress non-uniform strain. This finding may be relevant for interpretation of the mechanical behavior of cells, while also suggesting a new way to reinforce the non-linear elasticity of semiflexible polymer materials.