Broad-area diode-laser system for a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensation experiment

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Reference I. Shvarchuck, K. Dieckmann, M. Zielonkowski and J.T.M. Walraven, Broad-area diode-laser system for a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensation experiment, Appl. Phys. B 71, 475-480 (2000)

We report on master-oscillator power amplification using a broad-area laser diode (BAL) emitting at a wavelength of l=780 nm. The master oscillator is an injection-locked single-mode diode laser delivering a seeding beam of 35 mW, which is amplified in double pass through the BAL up to 410 mW. After beam shaping and spatial filtering by a single-mode fibre we obtain a clean Gaussian beam with a maximum power of 160 mW. There is no detectable contribution of the BAL eigenmodes in the spectrum of the output light. This laser system is employed for operation of a 87Rb magneto-optical trap (MOT) and for near-resonant absorption imaging in a Bose-Einstein condensation experiment.