Boron doping of silicon using coalloying with aluminium

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Reference W.C. Sinke, C. Leguijt, A.W. Weeber, P.F.A. Alkemade and L.A. Verhoef, Boron doping of silicon using coalloying with aluminium, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 2792-2794 (1994)

We present a new technique for boron (B) doping of silicon. In this letter we show that a B doping profile of more than 2 µm thickness with a maximum active doping concentration of 3X1019 cm-3 can be formed by a fast (<1 min) alloying process at a temperature of 850 ³C. Thick-film aluminum is used to obtain an alloying and epitaxial regrowth process in accordance with the Al-Si phase diagram. The atomic concentration profile of the B- and Al-doped Si layer was determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The active doping concentration was measured with an automatic electrochemical capacitance/voltage profiler. By the addition of B to the Al paste, the epitaxially regrown layer is doped with B and Al to the solid solubility of these elements in Si at the particular regrowth temperature. The applicability of this fast low temperature B doping process in Si solar cell processing is discussed.