Anomalous discontinuity at the percolation critical point of active gels

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Reference M. Sheinman, A. Sharma, J. Alvarado, G.H. Koenderink and F.C. MacKintosh, Anomalous discontinuity at the percolation critical point of active gels, Phys.Rev.Lett. 114, (9, Article number: 98104), 1-8 (2015)

We develop a percolation model motivated by recent experimental studies of gels with active network remodeling by molecular motors. This remodeling was found to lead to a critical state reminiscent of random percolation (RP), but with a cluster distribution inconsistent with RP. Our model not only can account for these experiments, but also exhibits an unusual type of mixed phase transition: We find that the transition is characterized by signatures of criticality, but with a discontinuity in the order parameter.