Angular distributions for photodissociation of O2 in de Herzberg continuum

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Reference B. Buijsse, W.J. van der Zande, A.T.J.B. Eppink, D.H. Parker, B.R. Lewis and S.T. Gibson, Angular distributions for photodissociation of O2 in de Herzberg continuum, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 7229-7243 (1998)

Photodissociation in the Herzberg continuum of molecular oxygen has been studied at 236, 226 and 204 nm. Using ion-imaging and monitoring of O(3Pj), j=0, 1, and 2 product-atom angular distributions, the amount of parallel character of the transition was measured. In order to interpret these data, analyses of the photoabsorption oscillator strengths and the parallel-perpendicular nature of the Herzberg I, II and III bands, and extrapolation of these properties into the Herzberg-continuum region have been performed. Our measured fine-structure-averaged angular distributions are found to be consistent with this photoabsorption model. In addition, the dynamics of the dissociation process is discussed, based on the O-atom fine-structure distributions.