Analytical report on some archaeological charred residues from Schipluiden

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Reference J.J. Boon: Analytical report on some archaeological charred residues from Schipluiden In: Schipluiden : a neolithic settlement on the Dutch North Sea coast c. 3500 cal bc /ed. L.P. Louwe Kooijmans and P.F.B. Jongste, Leiden University, 2006. - pp. 353-361

Residues on ceramic pottery found in Schipluiden were investigated with direct temperature resolved mass spectrometry to determine whether they contain organic constituents that can be related to food preparation. Some residues on the outside shows aromatic compounds from soot precipitation. Charred proteins were also common. There is evidence for lipids but only fatty acids remain and some compounds with a cholesterol origin indicative for an animal origin. One residue microscopically identijed as a porridge shows evidence for lignocellulosic constituents from resistant plant cells of woody tissues. Compared to preserved residues from other archaeological sites, the ones from Schipluiden are poorly preserved on the molecular level and therefore hard to relate to food substances.
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