Advanced workstation for controlled laser cleaning of paintings

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Reference J.H. Scholten, J.M. Teule, V. Zafiropulos and R.M.A. Heeren: Advanced workstation for controlled laser cleaning of paintings In: Optics and Lasers in Biomedicine and Culture: Contributions to the 5th Internat. Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences OWLS V, Crete, 13-16 October 1998 /ed. C. Fotakis, T.G. Papazoglou and C. Kalpouzos, Cham: Springer, 2000. - pp. 183-187

Any artwork conservation procedure relies on effective diagnostic techniques and controlled cleaning methods. Traditional methods for the removal of unwanted layers from an artwork comprise mechanical or chemical techniques, which often cause (unknown) damage to the object. New technologies can offer valuable tools to support conservators and restorers.