Absence of the enhanced intra-4f transition cross section at 1.5 μm of Er3+ in Si-rich SiO2

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1949720
Reference H. Mertens, A. Polman, I.M.P. Aarts, W.M.M. Kessels and M.C.M. van de Sanden, Absence of the enhanced intra-4f transition cross section at 1.5 μm of Er3+ in Si-rich SiO2, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, (Article number: 241109), 1-3 (2005)
Group Photonic Materials

We present measurements of the optical absorption cross section of the 4 I15/24 I13/2 transition at 1.5 μm of Er3+ ions embedded in SiO2 and Si-rich oxide, using cavity ringdown spectroscopy on thin films. The peak absorption cross section for Er3+ embedded in Si-rich oxide (10 at. % excess Si) was found to be (8±2)×10−21 cm2 at 1536 nm, similar to typical values for Er embedded in SiO2. The data imply that the silicon nanoclusters incorporated in Si-rich oxide do not enhance the peak cross section of the Er3+ 4 I15/24 I13/2 transition by 1-2 orders of magnitude, contrary to what has been reported in earlier work.