A REMPI investigation of the minimum energy conformations of diphenyl ether

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s1387-3806(02)00910-7
Reference A.C.S. Paiva, P.G. Kistemaker and T.L. Weeding, A REMPI investigation of the minimum energy conformations of diphenyl ether, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 221, 107-115 (2002)

The structure and low-frequency vibrations of jet-cooled molecules of diphenyl ether are studied with the resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization technique. The origin for the S1 S0 transition is assigned at 35,873 cm-1 and, within 400 cm-1, the vibrational progressions suggest the existence of different conformations proposed for this molecule. A potential energy surface for the ground state, obtained with the use of group theory, is checked against the conformational energy surface given by molecular mechanics simulations.