
Hugo Doeleman launched in Faces of Science

Published on February 6, 2015
Category Resonant Nanophotonics

Last year Hugo Doeleman started at AMOLF as PhD student in the research group Resonant Nanophotonics.

This week he wrote his first blog, “Keuzes maken de man”, on the Faces of Science website explaining that his choice for physics did not at all come easy. The website also contains a short introduction video of Hugo Doeleman. Together the blog and video give a good insight in what it is like to be a young researcher in physics.

The faces of science website initiative aims at showing high school and university students, who are looking at their future options, what a life in science means. It features blogs by PhD students from a great variety of disciplines, ranging from philosophy to particle physics. It is a project of the KNAW, De Jonge Akademie, Kennislink en Fastfacts.

resonant nanophotonics femius koenderink hugo doeleman

Hugo Doeleman