
Bas Overvelde candidate for ‘Wetenschapstalent’

Published on April 26, 2018
Category Soft Robotic Matter

For the fourth time, New Scientist is looking for scientific talent in the Netherlands and Belgium. The contest is created to put young scientific talent and their work centre stage. AMOLF group leader Bas Overvelde is in the top 25 of scientist competing in this contest.

Huib Bakker, director of AMOLF, supports Overvelde: “Bas excels in all four criteria of competition. With publications in Nature, Science and PNAS his scientific impact is outstanding. His prestigious project in which he develops a fully soft artficial heart in collaboration with i.a. cardiovascular surgeons, will undoubtedly have major social impact. With his interactive art installation, based on his origami research, he demonstrates the originality of his research, and at the same time popularizes his work. This installation is currently exhibited in a renowned museum in Paris and will go on a world tour later this year.”

Voting is open untill May 6, on NEWSCIENTIST.NL/TALENT