Senior Secretary

Work Activities

  • Ondersteuning van 4 groepsleiders;
  • Proactief agendabeheer inclusief het boeken van vergaderruimten, bijhouden van e-mail;
  • Voorbereiden van bijeenkomsten via MS Teams;
  • Boeken van reizen, hotels en restaurants, aanmelden voor symposia, congressen;
  • Aanvragen van voorschotten en afhandeling declaraties via een intern systeem;
  • Organiseren van congressen, workshops en symposia;
  • Behandelen van in- en uitgaande correspondentie;
  • Organiseren van groepmeetings/events/activiteiten (locatie, lunch, diner, activiteiten);
  • Notuleren van vergaderingen en soms vervanging notulen andere vergaderingen bij ziekte/vakantie collega secretaresse;
  • Organiseren van colloquia (hotel spreker, lunch, diner, verzamelen van titel en abstract, mededelingen uitsturen, bijhouden van deadlines etc.;
  • Archivering, voornamelijk digitaal in een gezamenlijke secretariaatsfolder.


  • Minimaal 10 jaar ervaring in een secretariële functie;
  • Een echte teamplayer;
  • Uitstekende beheersing van de Nederlandse taal;
  • Goede beheersing van de Engelse taal (mondeling en schriftelijk);
  • Vaardig in MS-Office, Teams;
  • Flexibel, proactief en zeer zelfstandig;
  • Kan goed prioriteiten stellen;
  • Heeft organisatietalent;
  • Is sociaal vaardig en bekend met diversiteit;
  • HBO denk-/werkniveau;

Work environment

AMOLF is a part of NWO-I and initiate and performs leading fundamental research on the physics of complex forms of matter, and to create new functional materials, in partnership with academia and industry. The institute is located at Amsterdam Science Park and currently employs about 140 researchers and 80 support employees.

Working conditions

  • The working atmosphere at the institute is largely determined by young, enthusiastic, mostly foreign employees. Communication is informal and runs through short lines of communication.
  • The position is for 32 – 40 hours per week and an employment contract for two years, intending to subsequently offer permanent employment.
  • Salary is in 8, with a maximum of € 4.000 gross per month (depending on your education and experience), plus a holiday allowance and end-of-year bonus.
  • Our excellent fringe benefits can be consulted here. On-the-job training and study facilities are self-evident.

More information?

ZIJ werving en selectie is responsible for the recruitment process of this position. 
For further information about the position, please contact Catalijn van der Meulen – Suidman,


You can respond to this vacancy online via the button below.

Online screening may be part of the selection.

Diversity code

AMOLF is highly committed to an inclusive and diverse work environment: we want to develop talent and creativity by bringing together people from different backgrounds and cultures. We recruit and select on the basis of competencies and talents. We strongly encourage anyone with the right qualifications to apply for the vacancy, regardless of age, gender, origin, sexual orientation or physical ability.

AMOLF has won the NNV Diversity Award 2022, which is awarded every two years by the Netherlands Physical Society for demonstrating the most successful implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

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