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Human interactive materials for soft robotic machine/ haptics applications

Date 30 January 2023 Time 13:00 - 14:30
Location AMOLF Lecture Room
Speaker Danqing Liu (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Category Colloquium Autonomous Matter

We propose the use of a liquid crystal polymer network for soft robotics where the various molecular accessories are assembled in the two dimensions of a coating. For instance, the LCN surface deforms dynamically into a variety of pre-designed topographic patterns by means of various triggers, such as temperature, light and the input of electric field. These microscopic deformations exhibit macroscopic impact on, for instance, tribology, haptics, laminar mixing of fluids in microchannels and directed cell growth. Another robotic-relevant function we brought into the LCN coating is its capability to secret liquids under UV irradiation or by an AC field. This controlled release is associated with many potential applications, including lubrication, controlled adhesion, drug delivery, and agriculture, antifouling in marine and biomedical devices, personal care and cosmetics. With this we bring together a toolbox to form two dimensional soft robots designed to operate in area where man and machine come together.