Colloquia: Optical reactor for light-driven chemistry & Photosynthetic proteins in action!
Klein Colloquium
Speaker: Rohit Raj
Optical reactor for light-driven chemistry
Public Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Seppe Kuehn (Barcelona, ICFO)
Photosynthetic proteins in action! Towards a real‐time investigation of how light‐harvesting is regulated in photosynthetic organisms
Plants and algae provide a natural example of how solar energy can be converted into chemical energy in the presence of oxygen while preventing photodamage. It has now been established that plants and algae prevent photooxidation by activating a rapidly inducible and reversible photoprotective mechanism at the level of their light-harvesting complexes. However, the precise activation process of this photoprotective mechanism remains unknown. We will here introduce our current understanding of how light-harvesting is regulated in plants and algae and, more generally, in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. We will then highlight the spectroscopic and computational tools developed by our group aimed at unraveling the molecular mechanisms governing the activation of photoprotection in photosynthetic organisms – in real time.
Contact: Esther Alarcón Lladó