All research groups: research highlights & output

3D Photovoltaics | Prof.dr. E. Alarcon Llado
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Hybrid Nanosystems | Dr. W. Albrecht
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Ultrafast Spectroscopy | Prof.dr. H.J. Bakker
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Hybrid Solar Cells | Prof.dr. B. Ehrler
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Physics of Cellular Interaction | Dr. K.A. Ganzinger
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Nanoscale Solar Cells | Prof.dr. E.C. Garnett
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Mechanical Metamaterials | Prof.dr. M.L. van Hecke
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Resonant Nanophotonics | Prof.dr. A.F. Koenderink
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Biological Soft Matter | Prof.dr. G.H. Koenderink

Theory of Biomolecular Matter | Prof.dr. B.M. Mulder
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Self-Organizing Matter | Prof.dr. W.L. Noorduin
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Soft Robotic Matter | J.T.B. Overvelde
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Photonic Materials | Prof.dr. A. Polman
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Interacting Photons | Dr. S.R.K. Rodriguez
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Hypersmart Matter | Dr. M. Serra Garcia
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Physics of Behavior | Prof.dr. T.S. Shimizu
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Biophysics | Prof.dr. S.J. Tans
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Photonic Forces | Prof.dr. E. Verhagen
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Biochemical Networks | Prof.dr. P.R. ten Wolde
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Quantitative Developmental Biology | Dr. J.S. van Zon
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