2023 AMOLF Institute Evaluation: documentation

2023 AMOLF Institute Evaluation: documentation

AMOLF carries out leading research on the fundamental physics and design principles of natural and man-made functional complex matter. We use the knowledge we obtain to create novel functional materials that can provide solutions to societal challenges in renewable energy, green ICT, sustainable materials, and healthcare. We pursue these goals by being a flexible and dynamic scientific research institute that works with small teams of highly qualified scientists on focused research themes, and in which new research directions are regularly initiated. Our current research program comprises three themes: Sustainable Energy Materials, Infomatter and Autonomous Matter.

From 10-12 December, AMOLF will be visited by an international panel to evaluate the performance over the period 2017-2022 and the Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2028.

The panel is composed of:
Prof. dr. Hans Hilgenkamp (chair) (UT, The Netherlands)
Prof. dr. Teri Odom (Northwestern University, Evanston (IL), USA)
Prof. dr. Christy Landes (Rice University, Houston, USA)
Prof. dr. Andrea Liu (University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, USA)
Prof. dr. Rolf van Benthem (Shell and TU/e, The Netherlands)
Prof. dr. Stephan Grill (MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany)

AMOLF's mission statement:

To initiate and perform leading fundamental research on the physics of complex forms of matter, and to create new functional materials, in partnership with academia and industry.