Lecturer’s Tutorial slides

AMOLF International Nanophotonics Summerschool

For private use of registered school attendees only. Slides will be available until August 15, 2019

  1. Resonant nanophotonics – Prof. Femius Koenderink (AMOLF, Amsterdam)
  2. Nanoscale radiative heat transfer – Prof. Jean-Jacques Greffet (Institut d’Optique, Paris)
  3. Optical emitters for quantum technology – Prof. Nathalie de Leon (Princeton University)
  4. Optical wavefront shaping – Prof. Allard Mosk (Utrecht University)
  5. Fundamental limits in nanophotovoltaics – Prof. Jenny Nelson (Imperial College, London)
  6. Nano-optomechanics – Prof. Ewold Verhagen (AMOLF, Amsterdam)
  7. Optical properties of atomically thin semiconductors – Prof. Elaine Li (Univ. Austin – Texas)
  8. Quantum optics in nanosystems – Prof. Stephan Goetzinger (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen)
  9. Energy transport phenomena in nanostructured materials – Prof. Mark Wilson (Univ. Toronto)
  10. Strong coupling and quantum molecular plasmonics – Prof. Javier Aizpurua (Materials Physics Center, San Sebastian)
  11. Metasurface and Mie-resonant nanophotonics – Prof. Isabelle Staude (Abbe Center of Photonics, Jena)
  12. Introduction to topological photonics – Prof. Mikael Rechtsman (Pennsylvania State University)