Venue and practical information


All attendees should arrange their own hotel accommodation
Make sure to book well in advance!

Recommended hotels near AMOLF:

Hotel Amsterdam Amstel
Hotel Casa
The Manor Hotel Amsterdam
Hotel V Fizeaustraat

Budget hotel:
Meininger Hotel Amsterdam Amstel


About Amsterdam

Visitor information

Public transport

Covid measures for travelling in and to the Netherlands

In the Netherlands
All coronavirus measures have been lifted, but there is still some advice that can help you and others avoid getting infected. You can find all information on this official government website: Facemasks are no longer mandatory anywhere, including public transport. Please feel free to choose whether you wear a face mask during the workshop; we will respect your choice.

Rules for entering the Netherlands
There are no coronavirus-related restrictions for entering the Netherlands for travellers who live in the EU/Schengen area or in a country participating in the EU travel rules scheme. The EU entry ban applies to other travellers who live outside the EU/Schengen area, but there are some exceptions. You can find all information here:


Registration, all lectures, and lunch on Friday:
Turing room, Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre | For directions: see directions to AMOLF but please note it is a different building
Science Park 125, Amsterdam
Google maps

Poster sessions and lunch on Thursday:
AMOLF | Click here for directions
Science Park 104, Amsterdam
Google maps

Conference dinner:
Schutterszaal, West-Indisch Huis
Herenmarkt 99, Amsterdam
Google maps




Erny Lammers
Communications workshop ‘The future of the physics of life’