Dutch Association for Crystal Growth (DACG)
Payment of fee & practical information

Payment of fee

  • A modest fee is requested to participate the meeting:
    – for DACG-members or (PhD)students the fee is € 30.
    – for non DACG-members the fee is € 45.
    By paying the fee of Euro 45, you automatically become a “calendar year member” and can attend the symposium in October at a reduced rate. To register you as a DACG-member we need your permission to use your personal details (to consent see registration form).
  • If you have already registered but not yet paid, please click on the apllicable button and go to the ‘NWO-I Payment Portal’;
    – Please pay via Ideal or bank transfer to save extra credit card costs.

Choose one of the buttons below and click to pay:

Practical information

  • Registration is required to participate the DACG Spring meeting 2022.
  • Participation is limited to 60 people. If you are unable to attend, please notify us asap.
  • Corona measures:
    Currently, there are no corona measures, but we do ask you to stay at home when you have covid-related complaints. Please show consideration for each other and respect social distancing if others appreciate it.


AMOLF | Click here for directions
Science Park 104, Amsterdam
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Erny Lammers
Communications ‘DACG’ Spring Meeting 2022
E-mail: communications@amolf.nl

Puck Beekman
Secretary ‘DACG’ Spring Meeting 2022
E-mail: P.Beekman@amolf.nl