Symposium Dutch Scanning Probe Microscopy
November 1st, 2019

Dutch SPM day

Symposium Dutch Scanning Probe Microscopy

It is our pleasure to announce that the Dutch SPM Day 2019 will take place in Amsterdam on Friday, November 1st, 2019.

The Dutch Scanning Probe Microscopy Day is an (almost) annual one-day conference that aims at bringing together experts of all fields of scanning probe microscopy research in academia as well as industry within the Netherlands and Belgium, and from close-by neighbors in Germany.

There will be invited and contributed talks, a poster session, and an industry exhibition.  The confirmed invited speakers are:

  • Nacho Pascual (CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain)
  • Magali Lingenfelder (EPFL-MPI, Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Meike Stöhr (Groningen University)

You find the full program here.
Almost all major companies providing microscopes, probes and enabling technology will be present. The list of exhibitors is below.

Online registration is required for all participants of the symposium.
Registration is closed now.

Useful information

  • Registration – registration is free of charge
  • Location – Amsterdam Science Park
  • Important dates:
    June 17th: start of abstract submission and registration as participant
    September 27: abstract submission is closed
    October 18th: registration is closed
    November 1st: conference

AMOLF, Science Park 104, Amsterdam.
Click here for directions

The 2019 Dutch SPM symposium is organised by the 3D Photovoltaics Group at AMOLF, led by E. Alarcon Llado.


Science Park 104
1098 XG Amsterdam
the Netherlands
tel: 31-20-7547100
Henriëtte Langeveld | Secretary Dutch SPM Day 2019