Symposium AMOLF 70 years
November 22, 2019, AMOLF, Amsterdam

The Future Matter(s)

Seventy years ago, in 1949, Jacob Kistemaker founded the FOM Laboratory for Mass Spectrography. The mission of the institute was to develop new techniques to separate isotopes. This research rapidly evolved into fundamental studies of ion-surface interactions, plasma physics, laser physics, and atomic physics. In 1966 the institute was renamed to AMOLF, and developed itself further into a highly dynamic institute, pushing the frontiers of science in atomic and molecular physics in the ’60s and ’70s and surface and material science in the ’80s and ’90s. In this millennium, the institute has opened up new research directions in the physics of functional complex matter, ranging from nanophotonics and nanophotovoltaics, to designer matter and living matter. In the symposium “The Future Matter(s)” we will celebrate our 70th anniversary with presentations given by colleagues and friends, highlighting recent ground-breaking research results. The symposium will be followed by a festive reception.

Please note that registration is closed. If you are planning to attend the symposium but missed the deadline, please contact Erny Lammers at


09:30-10:00 Arrival at AMOLF
10:00-10:15 Welcome by Huib Bakker, AMOLF director

10:15-10:40 Ron Heeren (Maastricht University)
From AMOLF to the Clinic: Translational Molecular Imaging

10:40-11:05 Jacco van Rheenen (Netherlands Cancer Institute)
Intravital Microscopy Reveals the Dynamic Nature of Cancer

11:05-11:25 Break, coffee and tea

11:25-11:50 Florian Schreck (University of Amsterdam)
Ultracold Matter(s)

11:50-12:15 Marjolein Dijkstra (Utrecht University)
From Computer Simulations to Machine Learning of Soft

12:15-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 Demonstrations and tours in the AMOLF research labs

14:15-14:40 Arno Smets (Delft University of Technology)
Solar Energy, Will this Evolution Ever Take Off?

14:40-15:05 Jan van Hest (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Adaptive Polymer Nanoreactors with Life-like Features

15:05-15:25 Break, coffee and tea

15:25-15:50 Hatice Altug (EPFL, Lausanne)
Next-Generation Biosensors and Bioimaging Systems Enabled by Nanophotonics

15:50-16:15 Marileen Dogterom (Delft University of Technology)
Building Living Matter

16:15-16:30 Closing of the symposium
16:30-18:30 Festive reception



  • Bruno Ehrler (group leader Hybrid Solar Cells)
  • Pieter Rein ten Wolde (group leader Biochemical Networks)


Erny Lammers | Communication Symposium AMOLF 70 years

Symposium location
AMOLF, Science Park 104, Amsterdam
Click here for directions

Picture: This micro-architecture is assembled of barium carbonate and silica. The shape and chemical composition can be controlled. The Self-Organizing Matter Group at AMOLF investigates how chemical reactions and crystallization processes can lead to new, microstructured functional materials. (Structure by Self-Organizing Matter group; imaged by S. Diller – Scientific Photography, Wuerzburg)