The imaging of objects lying underneath Au sheets. Movies a and b contain a 3D reconstruction of a nanowire underneath a single Au sheet, Movies c—f contain movies of particles lying underneath two Au sheets. Structures could be imaged through 100 nm of solid material.

Au Sheets

a. Acquired BSE images of a nanowire underneath a single Au sheet stacked on top of each other

b. The deconvolved 3D matrix resliced along the y-axis. The distance along the y-axis between frames is 2.24 nm

c. Deconvolved BSE images of a nanowire underneath a single Au sheet stacked on top of each other. The deconvolution separates the nanowire from the sheet in 3D more clearly

d. Acquired BSE images of particles underneath two Au sheets stacked on top of each other

e. The deconvolved 3D matrix resliced along the x-axis. The distance along the x-axis between frames is 0.67 nm. In the first second, only the top sheet is shown. Then, both Au sheets are shown. The last seconds show the particles underneath them as bright spots appearing at the bottom of the frames

f. Deconvolved BSE images of particles underneath two Au sheets stacked on top of each other. The deconvolution separates the sheets from the particles lying underneath them more clearly

g. FIBSEM 3D reconstruction of the particles underneath two Au sheets. The MEDSEM reconstruction differs from the actual 3D structure, but the order of the structure (sheet, sheet, particles) is correctly retrieved