Workshop NWA Materials Consortia

26 November 2019 | Location: AMOLF

The NWO Theme Committee Materials Science is organizing a workshop at AMOLF, Science Park 104, Amsterdam on Tuesday, November 26, from 10.00 to 16.00 hr.

The Workshop has three goals:
1) Build NWA consortia: Bringing interested parties together to form consortia for new NWA proposals (pre-proposal deadline May 2020, total budget 120 M€). There will be opportunities to hold a short pitch on proposal themes.

2) Learn from failures: The materials community has not been very successful in the first NWA call. We will analyze why this may be the case and search for solutions. One reason may be that some of the consortia were lacking a clear societal goal (as required by NWA), or lacking strong societal partners.

3) Update the Dutch Materials report: materials proposal can be submitted to the NWA within the route Materials – made in Holland, which is based on the FOM/CW strategic vision report “Dutch Materials” that covers 6 themes:
1) Designer functional metamaterials; 2) Soft and bio-inspired materials; 3) Next-generation engineering materials; 4) Materials for sustainable energy production and storage; 5) Sustainable materials; and 6) Thin films and coatings. This year, we will update the report. You are invited to give your input on the themes for the Dutch Materials 2020 report via the Questionnaire page. The vision report will be drafted together with all stakeholders in materials science and technology that have recently organized themselves in the Platform Materialen. It is meant to serve as a guideline to start new materials programs, e.g. within NWO.

Registration for the Workshop is free of charge, deadline for registration is Wednesday, November 20, 2019.

With best regards,
Albert Polman
On behalf of the NWO Theme Committee on Materials

Program Workshop NWA Materials Consortia is available now

Workshop Location
AMOLF, Science Park 104, Amsterdam

Floortje van den Berg | Secretary Workshop NWA Materials Consortia

Registration and Questionnaire for the workshop are closed now