International Nanophotonics School
June 17-21, 2019, AMOLF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Center for Nanophotonics at AMOLF is organizing an International Nanophotonics School for PhD students and postdocs that will focus on hot topics in modern fundamental nanophotonics science. A unique line-up of top-scientists have agreed to serve as lecturers for the school, all of whom are also known to be excellent teachers, see the draft program below. The number of attendees is limited to 80.

Unique program format
The school has a unique format: each lecturer is asked to give a one-hour tutorial, that is specially prepared for the school. The tutorial is built up of from basics for students that are new in the field, and then covers more complex concepts. Lecture slides will be made available to the attendees. The tutorial is followed by a 30 min. highlight talk by the lecturer.

Registration is closed.
If you have any questions about your registration or the waiting list, please contact Floortje van den Berg or Teresa van der Linden at

Student/postdoc presentations
All school attendees are invited to present a poster about their research. In addition, a total of 10 slots is available in the program for oral presentations. Abstracts can be submitted to apply for these talks.

All attendees should arrange for their own hotel accommodation
Make sure to book well in advance!