Materials – made in the Netherlands

A new Roadmap Materials – made in the Netherlands is being been composed by a consortium of materials researchers at universities, NWO Institutes, technology institutes, universities of applied sciences and companies, represented by the MaterialenNL platform.

Materials are strongly represented in all Knowledge and Innovation Agendas (KIAs) for the missions and key technologies of the Dutch government. The new Roadmap bundles the fragmented materials themes in all KIAs, MMIPs, and MJPs, coordinates them, makes connections between agendas and sets priorities. This creates a focus on 8 themes on which the Netherlands must focus according to the collaborating materials ecosystem.

We hope that the roadmap can serve as inspiration in determining the priorities for programming at NWO of the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant, within other programming of NWO, and in many other research and innovation initiatives by the Dutch government in the coming months and years.

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