Everything in Order Symposium & Reception
Friday, June 9, 2023 | AMOLF

Picture of Bela Mulder, photographer Henk Jan Boluijt

Farewell symposium in honor of Bela Mulder

This symposium is in honor of Bela Mulder’s retirement after 31 years at AMOLF. We want to thank him for his many contributions to AMOLF and honor his widely recognized research at the interface between soft-condensed matter and biophysics.

Bela has been a leading figure in the application of ideas and techniques from statistical physics to living systems. During his career, he has made seminal theoretical contributions to the understanding of the phase behavior of liquid crystals, the spatio-temporal dynamics of biopolymers, chromosome organization, and the design of patterns in colloidal systems.

Bela played a central role in the development of biophysics at AMOLF and the Netherlands. The symposium pays tribute to the work he performed and the way he inspired us all.

We are bringing together scientists that have worked with Bela in different phases of his career. We cordially invite you to attend this symposium and/or reception on Friday, June 9. Please find a detailed program below and a link to registration.

With kind regards,
Huib Bakker
Director AMOLF


13.00 Welcome, coffee / tea

13.45 Huib Bakker (Director AMOLF)
Symposium opening

14.00 Daan Frenkel (University of Cambridge)

14.30 René van Roij (Utrecht University)
From liquid crystals to liquid computers?

15.00 Tea break

15.30 Eva Deinum (Wageningen University)
Plant, cells, art and development

16.00 Ramon Creighton (AMOLF/Alliander)
Proteins and programming: a quick split or a slick quip?

16.30 Bela Mulder (AMOLF)
A well-ordered future


18.30 End

Go to registration form


  • Pieter Rein ten Wolde
  • Sander Tans


Secretary office Everything in Order Symposium 2023
E-mail: events@amolf.nl

Science Park 104
1098 XG Amsterdam
Google maps