First Diversity Day at AMOLF
Thursday, May 25, 2023


We will host our first Diversity Day, where we come together to explore diversity related topics.
For this first time, we have chosen to revisit the topic “gender” beyond the binary that many of us have been taught. The aim of this event is to enhance our knowledge and awareness of gender diversity to ultimately foster a more inclusive work environment.
In addition, we want to welcome and celebrate the diversity we already have at AMOLF


  • Diversity Team AMOLF
  • Staff Association AMOLF (PV)


Preliminary Program

Tuuringzaal at CWI

13:00 – 13.45 Talk
Gender development: a biopsychosocial perspective
Prof. Dr. Baudewijntje Kreukels (Amsterdam UMC)

13.45 – 14.15 Talk
Experience, common misconceptions, statistics
Elodie Lyra Downward, Instagram @trans_cyclist_collective

14.15 – 14.45 Q&A with female PIs and post docs
Topic: gender discrimination in science
(in the lecture room for everyone, smaller room for people of discriminated genders for a safer space)

15 min break

15.00 – 15.15 Guided reflection about gender

15.15 – 15.50 Q&A with TransAmsterdam
What do you want to ask a transgender or nonbinary person?
Questions to be asked on the spot and collected in advance

15.50 – 16.00 Spokenword poetry
Choice of Pride
Ford Curlington


16.00 + Drinks and snacks
Henna painting by Sam (TransAmsterdam)

16.30 – 17.30
Drag make-up workshop Patri Roa Johansen in the Canteen
Shared make-up will be provided, you can also bring your own make-up and clothing. If you intend to attend, please bring a mirror if possible.