Sensing and Steering Catalytic Reactions with Light
Proposal Meeting

25 March 2021 | 09:00 – 11:00 | Online meeting

We have teamed up experts in photonics from the NWO-Institute AMOLF (Polman, Garnett, Ehrler, Alarcon-Llado, Albrecht) and in catalysis from Utrecht University (Weckhuysen, Rabouw, Hutter) to bring advanced photonics into catalytic reactors to improve energy use, efficiency and waste in chemical synthesis.

Our goal is to create a new way to regulate and optimize temperature dynamics in chemical reactions of many different kinds. The main idea is to integrate specifically tailored plasmonic catalytic nanostructures with optical fiber networks that guide intense ultra-short laser pulses to catalytic sites, thereby controlling the temperature of catalytic reaction sites with nanoscale precision and selectivity on ultrafast timescales.

We are looking for industrial partners to strengthen our consortium and ensure that the fundamental and applied research proposed has the best chance of having impact in the market. You are invited to discuss potential collaboration with us and provide input to our ideas.

Looking forward to seeing you on March 25th.

Esther Alarcon Llado on behalf of all consortium members.
Group Leader 3D Solar Cells.


09:00 – Welcome and introduction
09:15 – Vision overvieuw
09:30 – Discussion of contributions of new potential partners
10:00 – Discussion of what is missing, new particular directions/focus
10:30 – Next steps and action items
11:00 – Closure

Henriƫtte Langeveld
Secretary Sensing and Steering Catalytic Reactions with Light – AMOLF

Registration is closed now.